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- Academic 5
- Architect 4
- Building Control 9
- CAD / 3D Visualiser 4
- Construction Manager 7
- Consultant 76
- Contractor - Building Services 48
- Engineer 15
- Facilities Manager 5
- IT 5
- Maintenance 16
- Project Manager 20
- QS / Cost consultant 24
- Site Management 23
- Surveyor - Building 20
- Surveyor - Commercial 5
- Surveyor - General practice 10
- Surveyor - Quantity 14
- Surveyor - Residential 6
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Construction should adopt a coaching style of management to make every person count
Construction still suffers from a culture more likely to turn workers away than encourage new recruits. Dave Stitt says this has to change.
Why women are over mentored and under promoted
Research shows men and women’s experience of mentoring is very different – this is what has been missing.